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ShockLog Cellular
Time:2024/11/09 13:50:24View:10

ShockLog Cellular Module Overview


The ShockLog? Cellular combines the powerful monitoring capabilities of the ShockLog 298 impact recorder with a cellular communication module to deliver real-time notifications of unacceptable handling in the supply chain. This device alerts you when your shipment has experienced an out of tolerance impact, temperature, humidity, tilt, or roll condition. The information is accessible via the user friendly SpotSee Cloud from anywhere in the world. With cargo loss exceeding $50 billion annually, transparency in the supply chain is key to improving your operations. The ShockLog Cellular enables you to know that your assets are traveling safely to their destination and if something has gone wrong, you know when and where the issue occurred.


? Real-time notification of out of tolerance handling conditions

? Easy to use cloud-based interface that is accessible anywhere in the world

? Global low-cost connectivity with no roaming charges

? Robust battery life ideal for long journeys

? Connects to any new or existing ShockLog 298*

*Firmware version 30 or greater


ShockLog Cellular Module Overview

The SpotSee Cloud is where trip data is aggregated in real-time. The graphs are easy to read and include data such as impact with location, impacts over time, histogram, and temperature.

SpotSee Cloud Features

? Access to your data from anywhere with a secure web portal

? Real-time reporting and tracking of incidents

? Alarms with location, time, impact g-level, and direction of impact

? Impacts-over-time visualization of each asset

? Histogram of the total impacts to an asset

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