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Our company's products are widely used in industries such as automobiles, power engineering systems, aviation accessories, precision electronic instruments, medical and research laboratory equipment.

Product status indicator and full process visualization
Monitoring solution provider

Wu xi prmierse technology company limited .was founded in 2013, we focus on providing customers with safe and efficient transportation solutions, improve the quality of logistics transportation, reduce the loss caused by improper operation in the process of cargo transportation, clear the responsible party. The main products are: anti-tilt labels, anti-vibration labels, transport impact recorder, shockproof ball, temperature and humidity labels, anti-photo labels.  

We are committed to adding the IoT technology of "perception + location + communication" to every intelligent terminal device, providing IoT solutions for the whole logistics process. The product adopts LoRa technology to improve the way and method of material flow transportation by analyzing and processing the data collected during transportation. The products are widely used in monitoring the inclination, vibration, temperature and humidity of logistics transportation...

Welcome to Pulmis, where you can find more professional knowledge and news on product transportation safety status monitoring industry

What is an anti tilt label

Tiltwatch is a better choice for those who req....

2024-11-11 View>>

Anti photography stickers prevent the camera from taking photos

Fuji's two new selfie modes make it even m....

2024-11-11 View>>

Wuxi anti tilt label, which is the best anti tilt label

Scope of application of Wuxi anti tilt label:&....

2024-11-11 View>>

Multi angle anti tilt label tilt indicator label

Detailed information:Shape: Square Material: C....

2024-11-11 View>>
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