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TiltWatch? XTR
Time:2024/11/08 14:32:51View:8

When you are shipping networking equipment and electronics, glass and mirrors, or other equipment sensitive to tilt, you need something more than just a “This End Up” label.

Tilt Indicators Overview

SpotSee tilt indicators detect unacceptable tilting on goods that must remain upright. When these indicators are used, the product cannot be tipped without indisputable evidence of mishandling.


TiltWatch? XTR

The TiltWatch XTR is a single-use tip indicator used to monitor goods that must remain upright. When attached to a package, the TiltWatch XTR turns red if the package is tilted past 80°. The patented design ensures that the indicator remains unaffected by movement due to normal handling conditions or random vibrations.

TiltWatch? Plus

TiltWatch Plus indicates whether there has been tilt to the left or right, the degree of the tilt, or if complete overturn has occurred.


? Reduces mishandling during transportation or storage

? Provides indisputable evidence of mishandling

? Alerts recipient to inspect contents before acceptance

? Promotes chain of accountability for all product handling

? Confirms effectiveness of packaging

? Helps identify trouble spots in supply chain, from production to transportation and storage

? Helps increase quality of product from dock to dock



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